These Legislative Updates show some of the movements at the Capital we are seeing and what CAM is doing to fight for your rights here in Minnesota.
Call To Arms For CAM Members – Vote NO to HF4444 / SF4483
Calling All Contractors Association of Minnesota: Please email your legislator to encourage them vote no on HF 4444/SF 4483. The legislature may vote on the [...]
New sick and safe leave earnings statement requirements
Employers in Minnesota must provide earnings statements with certain required information to all employees at the end of each pay period. Earnings statements are important payroll records [...]
News From The Capitol – Senate Denies Walz DLI Appointment
The Minnesota Senate refused to approve Governor Walz’s cabinet appointment to the Department of Labor and Industry. The rejection of Commissioner Leppink from the Department [...]
Covid-19 Updates Effecting MN Contractors
Navigating through the Coronavirus has become a daunting process and CAM is here to help you understand how this may affect your business with the [...]
Day At The Capitol – 2020
Thank you to everyone that attended our Day At The Capitol yesterday. Good meetings were held by all attendees and we feel that we got [...]
CAM Initiated Legislation – Update 3/4/20
HF 2696/SF 2660 (Mahoney/Howe) - Insurance proceeds checks prompt signature At this point, we are stalled. The large banks are opposed due to Fannie and [...]
New “Deductible” Law Affects Contractors Who Perform Storm Repairs
What changed? State law prohibits contractors from offering to pay homeowners’ insurance deductibles or offering anything of value as encouragement to enter into a contract [...]
Big Legislative Win For CAM And Minnesota Contractors!
The Contractors Association of Minnesota chalked upon another win at the legislature this past session! Given the divided government and the truly acrimonious session between [...]
CAM Legislative Update 2018
Contractors Association of Minnesota Policy and Regulatory Update HF 2696 (Rep. Tim Mahoney - D) and SF 2660 (Senator Jeff Howe - R) This bill [...]
Construction Codes and Licensing Division
New law affects contractors who perform storm repairs What changed? State law prohibits contractors from offering to pay homeowners’ insurance deductibles or offering anything of [...]
Legislative Update – 2017
Legislative Update 2017 In a more unusual twist of events than the past six years, the final days of the 2017 Legislative session and special [...]
Legislative Update 2016
The Minnesota Legislature adjourned in May after an extremely abbreviated session. This year’s legislative agenda focused on taxes, bonding and a supplemental budget. All of [...]